About us
"Darimex 98" is a family company founded in 1998. The company was created to restore the manual production of chocolate bonbons in Bulgaria. Bonbons loved by generations of Bulgarians were stopped by production in the mid-1990s and Darimex 98 aims to bring consumers back their favorite products, according to the original recipes. But besides familiar products, proven technology and experience, it is equally important for us to respond to all new trends, tastes, requirements …
That's why the motto of the company is "With the Traditions in the Future!".
Our passion is chocolate, so we think products should be produced with lots of care, love, quality raw materials and technology! Our excitement is great from the idea of the product, its development, the tasting.... mm, the packaging and finally the greatest pleasure to see the delight that you are experiencing from our product!
Chocolate is a pleasure and enjoyment that no one should be deprived of! That's why it's important for us to create happiness for everyone, including people who eat healthily!
And the new brand "Dar's" was soon created.
Under this brand are produced premium healthy products - sugar-free, gluten-free, fiber-rich for vegans and diabetics.
2009 we opened a new factory covering all European Food Safety Requirements:
- 2011 we received International Food Safety Certificate (IFS) - International food standard /
- 2014 - FSSC 22000 certificate
Our staff has a long experience in the industry, which guarantees a truly high professionalism and quality of production. The company is flexible and open to innovation, while striving to maximize the needs of consumers. In addition, products are developed for different countries to suit specific tastes - for example, different packaging, style, inscriptions, taste, and so on. In addition to the domestic market, we export for Germany, Sweden, Hungary, Romania, Georgia, Mongolia, Malta and others.
We at Darimex 98 Ltd. are aware that our clients are the main driver of our company's business development, so we set the main goal to continuously and more fully meet the needs and expectations of our clients for chocolate production.
We achieve this by:
• We accept the maintenance, updating and continuous improvement of the Food Quality and Safety Management System (FQSMS) as a key management task.
• Identify, review and update information related to both our company context and our stakeholders and their requirements.
• We strictly observe the safety of the produced food products. • We strictly adhere to national and international regulatory requirements for the safety of manufactured foods.
• We strictly observe the provision and guarantee of the authenticity of the produced food products.
• We select our suppliers by strictly adhering to the pre-set quality and safety criteria and strive to build partnerships with them.
• We maintain our competence at a level appropriate to meet the requirements for our products.
• We are introducing a process-oriented approach in the implementation of our company's activities, to more effectively monitor and measure our achievements.
• We implement a systematic approach to managing our company, maintaining a management system in accordance with the requirements of FSSC 22000 and BRCGS Food Safety for greater transparency and confidence in customers that their requirements will be covered.
• We carry out measures for continuous improvement of processes and FQSMS by applying the postulates of the cycle “planning, implementation, verification and action”.
• We comply with the Code of Ethics, which reflects the relationships between suppliers, customers and employees of the company.
• We do not pollute the environment and water by controlling production waste and waste water. In order to achieve significant development towards satisfying our customers and stakeholders, we set specific food quality and safety goals that are the subject of an annual review of efficacy. We define the current policy as appropriate to the goals and context of our company and strive to be accessible to relevant stakeholders.
14.07.2021 Manager: Plamen Pavlov
Policy on Responsible Business Conduct
(based on the OECD Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains)
Recognising the risks of significant adverse impacts arising along agricultural supply chains, and recognising our responsibility to respect human rights and our capacity to contribute to sustainable development, and in particular poverty reduction, food security and nutrition, and gender equality, we commit to adopt, implement, widely disseminate and incorporate in contracts and agreements with business partners the following Policy for responsible agricultural supply chains. We will encourage, where practicable, our business partners to apply this Policy and, if they cause or contribute to adverse impacts, we will use our leverage to prevent or mitigate these impacts.
Darimex 98 EOOD is committed to fulfilling its business goals by applying the highest ethical standards and to comply with all applicable laws and standards related to human rights, labor rights, health and safety at work, environmental protection and sustainable development. This policy is the minimum standard that, in addition to the values of Darimex 98 EOOD, defines the behavioral principles that the company considers appropriate and mandatory for each business.
All employees of Darimex 98 EOOD are expected to understand and adhere to the legal norms and ethical principles established in this policy, to be guided by the highest degree of integrity and honesty in their conduct and to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and rules.
We expect all our suppliers and other business partners to also support the integration of the principles of responsible business conduct compatible with the OECD Guidelines (which are also endorsed in this Policy) into their business activities and to ensure that they observe them. In the event that a non-compliance is found (as a result of an investigation based on a grievance received or on the basis of publicly disclosed information, e.g. publications or in the internet), the relevant business partner is expected to initiate a corrective action plan. In case of refusal to take appropriate actions, Darimex 98 EOOD reserves the right to terminate the contractual arrangements, when it comes to serious negative impacts.
In order to enable all business partners and stakeholders to familiarize themselves with this policy, we undertake to publish it on the website of Darimex 98 EOOD.
This Policy complements the corporate policies, rules and procedures introduced by Darimex 98 EOOD. We are committed to revising and updating it as necessary to reflect changes in laws, regulations and policies and to ensure compliance with our business objectives and activities.
Impact assessment
We will continuously assess and address in decision-making the actual and potential impacts of our operations, goods and services over their full life-cycle with a view to avoiding or, when unavoidable, mitigating any adverse impacts. Impact assessments will involve a representative number of all relevant stakeholder groups.
The place of our company in the supply chain of agricultural products does not imply direct interactions with and/or impacts on local communities and indigenous peoples from the countries where these products are grown/produced. However, if we become aware that negative impacts have occurred within our supply chain, we will take reasonable efforts to investigate and remedy the issue.
We will disclose timely and accurate information related to foreseeable risk factors and our response to particular environmental, social and human rights impacts, at all stages of the investment cycle. We will also provide accurate, verifiable and clear information that is sufficient to enable our suppliers and customers to make informed decisions.
We will hold good-faith, effective and meaningful consultations with any individual, group of individuals or organizations that may be or have been negatively affected from our business activity in order to avoid or, when unavoidable, apply mutually agreed measures to mitigate any adverse impacts. We will bear in mind the different risks that may be faced by women and men.
Grievance mechanisms
We will provide for legitimate, accessible, predictable, equitable and transparent operational-level grievance mechanisms/procedures. We will also co-operate in other non-judicial grievance mechanisms. Such grievance mechanisms can enable remediation when our operations have caused or contributed to adverse impacts due to non-adherence to Responsible Business Conduct standards.
By adopting this policy, we are committed to providing a working environment that promotes diversity and is free from any form of discrimination, including gender based discrimination, and that promotes equal employment opportunities for women and men. This applies to all aspects of employment in our company, including recruitment, remuneration, working conditions, training and qualification improvement, assessment of performance, career development, workplace conduct, application of the grievance mechanisms, as well as termination of the employment.
Human Rights
Within the framework of internationally recognised human rights, as well as relevant domestic laws and regulations, we will:
Respect human rights, which means avoid infringing on the human rights of others and address adverse human rights impacts with which we are involved.
Within the context of our own activities, avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts and address such impacts when they occur.
Seek ways to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts that are directly linked to our operations, products or services by a business relationship, even if we did not contribute to those impacts.
Carry out human rights due diligence as appropriate to the size, nature and context of our operations and the severity of the risks of adverse human rights impacts.
Provide for, or co-operate through legitimate processes in, the remediation of adverse impacts on human rights when we identify that we have caused or contributed to these impacts.
Within the context of our own activities, ensure that all persons’ human rights are respected, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Labour Rights
We will respect international core labour standards in our operations, namely the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour, the effective abolition of child labour and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Separate company policies and regulations on these issues are also adopted (Ref.: Ethic Code, Internal Labour Regulation, Social Responsibility Policy).
In our operations, we will also:
Ensure occupational health and safety.
Ensure decent wages, benefits and working conditions, that are at least adequate to satisfy the basic needs of workers and strive to improve working conditions.
Promote the security of employment and, through the Bulgarian social system, provide some form of income protection to workers whose employment has been terminated.
Seek to prevent abuses of migrant workers.
Adopt approaches, measures, and processes to enhance women’s meaningful participation in decision-making and leadership roles.
We will contribute to the realisation of the right to work, by:
striving to increase employment opportunities, both directly and indirectly;
ensuring that relevant training is provided for all levels of employees, to meet the needs of the enterprise including by increasing the productivity of the youth and/or their access to decent employment and entrepreneurship opportunities;
ensuring maternity protection at work.
Health and safety
To promote public health, we have adopted and implement appropriate practices to prevent threats to human life, health and well-being, both of our own workers and employees and other persons affected by our business activity. In addition, we are responsible for complying with applicable laws and regulations related to the provision of health and safety at work.
Tenure rights over and access to natural resources
The nature of our business does not involve interactions with tenure right holders having rights over natural resources. However, we will commit to respect these rights if such interactions occur and to respect the principle of free, prior and informed consent as a fundamental way of safeguarding indigenous peoples’ rights.
Environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources
We will commit to environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources as appropriate to the nature and scale of our operations and commensurate with the level of potential environmental and social risks and impacts. Within the framework of national legislation on environmental protection, we will strive to continuously improve our environmental performance by:
preventing, minimising and remedying pollution and negative impacts on air, soil, water, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions;
avoiding or reducing the generation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, substituting or reducing the use of toxic substances, and enhancing the productive use or ensuring a safe disposal of waste;
ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources and increasing the efficiency of resource use and energy;
reducing food loss and waste and promoting recycling.
It is our policy to conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner.
We will prevent and abstain from any form of corruption and fraudulent practices and are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealing and relationships.
Our management, employees and workers are obliged to comply with the applicable legislation, together with the application of standards, policies, internal rules and procedures (e.g Ethic Code, Internal Labor Regulations, Social Responsibility Policy of Darimex 98 EOOD, the Rules for Safe Labor Conditions in Darimex 98 EOOD, etc.) adopted by the company, and other commitments arising from voluntary agreements to which we are a party.
We will comply with both the letter and spirit of the tax laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate.
We will refrain from entering into or carrying out anti-competitive agreements among competitors and will co-operate with investigating competition authorities.
To the extent to which they apply to enterprises, we will act consistently with the Principles contained in the OECD Recommendation of the Council on Principles of Corporate Governance.
Technology and innovation
We will contribute to the development and diffusion of appropriate technologies, particularly environmentally-friendly technologies and those that generate direct and indirect employment.
17.11.2024 Manager: Plamen Pavlov